Ninety Thousand Hours

How to set yourself up for promotion

It’s that time of year when we’re beginning to feel like maybe we deserve a little bit more from our job – promo season, shall we say. If you’re familiar with the sense of feeling underappreciated, ready for something more, or that you could probably make a lot more money elsewhere, read this blog post. […]

Why it’s not all about money

So you’ve made it through the final interview stages and have two solid offers – hell to the yes. Problem is, your first choice is offering about 20% less than the other. What do you do? Sometimes it’s better to take the lower paid job, and here are some reasons why: Investing in your future […]

The key to customer success

What skills do you need to look for when hiring a CS person? Since COVID-19 turned all our worlds upside down, I have been talking to many SaaS companies and they have one thing in common. They are all, now more than ever, placing emphasis on fixing the leaky bucket and reducing churn. As a […]

Traits of top performing enterprise sales professionals

The world has changed Many tech and SaaS companies that have enjoyed ‘champagne sailing conditions’ over the last 10 years are now facing their first-ever recession. No wind means it’s time to put the motor on or risk bobbing along wayward in a rough sea. The honeymoon period is over. The workplace has changed. Globally. Buying […]

9 Insider Tips for Closing More B2B Sales

Every B2B sales business wants to know the secrets to closing more sales After all, this market is notoriously hard to crack and it’s no secret that selling to other businesses is usually harder than selling to customers. This is a high-stakes game that necessitates a strategic, expert and stand-alone sales approach that is tailored […]

How to be confident in your interview

Interviewing is all about confidence. Its your first step to showing your potential employer how great you can be (without being arrogant, of course). Being confident comes from within, and it’s a belief of yourself or your product and services. This means that you can’t fake it. Being confident doesn’t mean walking into the interview […]